What's new/ different about our Aero Club
We care about your experience and are passionate about flying, and give you the choice.
Whether you are a member flying our aeroplanes, or visiting us for an introductory experience flight we will ensure that your time and money is well spent.
Pilots can add additional ratings to your licence and enjoy efficient flying at excellent rates with the best equipped aircraft available in the UK.
We run a paperless system, from booking the aircraft on our bespoke App, to completing aircraft documents. All the aeroplanes are fitted with ipads linked to Garmin Pilot App which streams data between the device and the aeroplane, providing live weather, Notams and route details, most importantly giving you the choice and putting the fun back into something you love.
Click here to fly in the Pitts
Aerobatic Flying & Air Displays
The Pitts Special S2B is available for Aerobatic introductory experience flights and Wedding/ private event air displays in Kent.
Private Pilots Licence
Our elite club setup offers PPL's extremely cost effective aircraft hire, resulting in further afield trips, overnights, additional ratings and fun flying.
Why can we offer such reduced rates? We offer a completely modern approach, paperless cockpits, online bookings, online payments and high spec equipped aircraft putting all the information in your lap.